Event creation

In Akiflow, you can create events from the Command Bar or the calendar.

From the Command Bar

Hit ALT/OPTION SPACE* to open the Command Bar and start typing!

Use @ to add guests, = to edit the duration, and > to change account, then hit ENTER to create a new event.

*or your custom shortcut. It’s Cmd/Ctrl K on the web app

Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 16.59.49.jpg

Directly from the calendar

Click* ****on the calendar, then drag down to change its duration

You can also use the shortcut N to start creating an event.


*You can assign the click to task creation instead, and use Cmd/Ctrl Click for event creation. Set up your preferences in Settings > Calendar > Task creation from calendar

Event information

<aside> 📢 Pro tip: You can use Tab or Shift Tab to move from one field to another in the event popup

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 12.23.52 PM.png


This is what you'll find inside the event popup: