<aside> 🚀 Use Projects, Sections and Folders to organize your tasks


Discover the power of Projects and Tags

In this video, Stefania will demonstrate the power of Projects and Tags in Akiflow. She'll guide you through the process of setting up these features, showing you how they can streamline your task management and boost your productivity. 🎥

Organize your tasks Intro.mp4

How does it work?

Hit # to assign a project to a task, so the task will also appear on the project page.

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For example, if a task is in the Inbox and you assign the project "AF Management", you'll find the task in the Inbox and the AF Management project page.

It's not a duplicate; it doesn't disappear from the Inbox until you plan it so you won't forget about that task, and the project page doesn't turn into a list of uncountable non-actionable items 😇

<aside> 💡 When assigning projects to Tasks and Time Slots, Akiflow suggests the projects you use the most


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How to create a project?

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