We've designed two key rituals to help you organize your schedule wisely and keep track of your daily performance: the Daily Planning and Daily Shutdown rituals.


Why do the Rituals?

Two essential steps in time and task management are planning your workday in advance and assessing how the day went at the end of it.

Akiflow shows two optional daily rituals: the Daily Planning ☀️ and the Daily Shutdown🌙.

We highly recommend completing them, to organize your schedule wisely and keep track of your daily performance.

☀️ Daily Planning

Start your day right with the Daily Planning ritual. Complete a review of the previous day and plan for the day ahead to efficiently manage your time.

Yesterday’s review

Assess your progress from the past day.

If you don’t replan your “Pending” tasks, they will be automatically planned for today.

Today’s review

Plan your day - decide what to focus on today and defer non-urgent tasks.

You can check your Inbox and Someday tasks and set your goals for the day.

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When you complete the Daily Planning you can share your to-do list with your team.

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