The Upcoming page is where you can preview all tasks planned for the following days, weeks and months and easily adjust your reschedule.
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Tasks planned for a timeframe like ‘This Week’, are not those planned for specific days like ‘tomorrow’.
You should plan for a Time Frame (Weeks, Months) if you cannot assign a precise date to the task yet. Then, in the Upcoming Page or the Rituals time block your tasks.
Learn how to plan tasks here: Plan your tasks.
There are 4 views to manage your tasks, D W M have a Sidebar Timeframe → 🗃️ Use the Sidebar Timeframe
Shows your current and upcoming time frames: Today, This Week, Next Week, This Month, Next Month with the Someday as the broader time frame on the sidebar.
Shows you every Upcoming Day with Week as the broader time frame on the sidebar.